Event Details

The BCCK's 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Voting members may attend to elect the 2024 BCCK Executive Committee and Auditor.

If you would like to be elected to the 2024 BCCK ExCo, you would need to receive two nominations from Voting members. Please note the following points of order in regard to eligibility and rules governing the nomination process:

  1. Only voting members are allowed to run for election to the 2024 BCCK ExCo;
  2. Only voting members are allowed to nominate a candidate for election;
  3. Voting members are the registered representative of Diamond, Platinum and/or Corporate Members of the BCCK;
  4. Members may be nominated for election to the ExCo in writing (by email) through the submission of the Candidate Nomination Form;
  5. Nominations must be received by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
  6. From 2024 the term of the Executive Committee will be 2 years.

Your existing ExCo hopes that members of all nationality (please remember that you do not need to be a British citizen to serve on the ExCo), sex and age, will consider running. For 2024 we are particularly encouraging female executives to run even if they are not the most senior member of their organisation. During 2024, the ExCo will be focusing on the strategic direction for the BCCK. We are looking for ExCo members who will bring ideas and energy for a purpose-driven Chamber that supports and celebrates the British-Korean business community. A diverse ExCo that fully represents its members is crucial to shaping and achieving our vision.

If you are eligible and wish to make a nomination, a Candidate Nomination Form must be completed and submitted to jiwon.oh@bcck.or.kr by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Candidates that receive two nominations will be presented for election. The nominees will be contacted by the secretariat and asked to complete and submit their biographies and photos by 12:00 pm on Monday, March 11, 2024.

If you are unable to attend the AGM and would like to have a proxy vote made in your place, please fill out and submit the Proxy Vote Form linked which designates your voter by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

In order to nominate someone for the ExCo or submit a proxy vote, please download the below forms:


Voting Members

One registered representative of each Diamond, Platinum and Corporate Members

Member Price Complimentary
Non-voting members

Diamond, Platinum or Corporate non-representative and Additional or Professional Members

Standard Price โ‚ฉ150,000


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